2020 New Year Resolutions & Goals
New Year | New Goals
This year for my New Years resolution/goals, I have decided to break it down by categories and create smaller more achievable goals. I have found that in the past, when I create one big resolution, it is usually so daunting and huge that I am never able to achieve it let alone sustain it.
My goals for 2020:
personal goals
Work on looking at the glass half full - When things get rough, instead of focusing on everything that is going wrong, focus on what is going right.
Stick to a schedule- Create a schedule for myself (because working from home is a challenge in other ways) and stick to it.
health goals
Wearing this adorable Free People Mini Dress
Get into a work out routine- Even if that means doing only 30 minutes a day of Beach Body in the AM.
Eat healthier- This could be an entire post on its own, but I want to continue on working towards developing healthier eating habits.
relationship goals
Spending more time texting and calling friends/family- Since starting blogging and Instagram, I feel like I am glued to my phone. It has gotten to the point where I feel the only time I am on it is for “work”. Therefore, when people text or call me, I tend to be brief or say “I will call back later” and then forget to. The reason I do this is not because I don’t want to talk to my friends and family, but because it has become so difficult to separate my personal and work life when they reside in the same place … My phone. I want to learn how to separate the two and be able to give my friends and family the time they need/deserve from me.
work goals
Get a job doing medical transcription and editing
Continue working on my blog and Instagram- Constantly working to improve and learn more, collaborate with more brands that I love, and be more consistent in my posting!
I think it is important to set goals for yourself, and there is no better time to create/ re-assess then the start of a new year. I hope this inspires you to create and write down some of your goals and resolutions.
Most importantly, be kind to yourself and remember that no one is perfect. Theses are goals, they are things you want to work towards and even if you don’t achieve all of them (or even any of them), the fact that you are making a conscious effort to better yourself is what truly counts.
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy new year.