Halloween Monster Mix -Puppy Chow

Nothing scary about puppy chow

One of my all time favorite party treats is puppy chow (or muddy buddies) because it is so easy to make and tastes amazing! So, for Halloween this year I decided to put a little spin on my classic puppy chow recipe and call it Monster Mix!

Instead of just doing the typical Chex cereal, chocolate, peanut butter, and powdered sugar… I decided to add Nutella instead of peanut butter, and added in some Halloween candy and sprinkles to make it so there is a colorful surprise in each bite!

Monster Mix Graphic.PNG


  • 1/2 cup butter

  • 1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

  • 1 cup Nutella

  • 1 12 oz box Chex or Crispix cereal

  • 2-3 cups powdered sugar

  • Halloween sprinkles ( you can find similar ones at Walmart, Target, Michaels, and Amazon)

  • Twix (or any other candy bars you like) chopped into bite size pieces

  • Halloween orange KitKats chopped into bite size pieces

  • Halloween M&Ms (I used caramel filled ones)


** Tip: Measure and prep all of your ingredients ahead of time so you don’t have to worry about the melted chocolate hardening.

  1. In a saucepan (or using a double boiler) melt the butter and semisweet chocolate chips over low-medium heat, and stir constantly.

  2. Once melted, remove from heat and stir in Nutella.

  3. In a large bowl OR large zip lock bag (you may need to use 2, but this option is less messy) combine the Chex cereal, melted chocolate mixture, chopped candy bars, and mix to coat completely.

  4. Once coated with the chocolate, add the powdered sugar and mix to coat fully.

  5. Transfer to your serving bowl (or cauldron) add your M&Ms and sprinkles, and gently mix them into your puppy chow. You want to add the M&Ms and sprinkles LAST in order to see the colors and shapes, and so they wont be covered in chocolate and powdered sugar.

  6. Enjoy!!

Monster Mix 2.JPG
Monster Mix 3.JPG
FoodSuzie RecklesFood, Fall