Quarantine 101- Top Tips

Never thought I would be titling a blog post this…But here we are

At this point, most of us are probably at home right now social distancing. With the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases climbing, it makes social distancing and staying home all the more important. I personally have been home since Saturday the 14th, as I am considered very high risk due to my severe chronic asthma. That being said, for those of you who have recently joined me, I think it is safe to say that being confined to your house for days on end is not easy.

So, I wanted to write this blog post to share what has worked for me thus far during this challenging and unpredictable time.

working from home

I personally have been working from home for some time now, so I can definitely offer up some tips that have helped me stay focused and motivated.

MAKE A SCHEDULE & STICK TO IT- This is by far the most important piece of advice I can give anyone who is working from home. Just because you are no longer commuting to your place of work does not mean you do not need to set an alarm to wake up in the morning.

CREATE A DESIGNATED WORK SPACE- Find a quiet place in your house with few distractions and make it your new office. Sitting on the couch with your computer to do work all day to then sit on it all night and relax and watch T.V. is going to get old very fast.

TAKE TIME FOR LUNCH AND BREAKS- When the lunch bell no longer goes off (and by that I mean everyone leaving at the same time to go get lunch) you may forget or just go to the fridge and grab something to sit down and continue working with. It is important to give yourself at least 30 minutes to sit and eat lunch without doing work. Sometimes working from home can make you feel like you need to do more than if you were at the office, which is great, but you don’t want to burn yourself out either.

social distancing.png

i can’t watch anymore t.v.

While some people can sit days on end and watch Netflix until there are no more shows left, I am unfortunately not one of those people. So, I have had to get creative in how to stay busy.

READ- Now is the perfect time to pick up a good book and read. For me there is nothing better than getting lost in a good book far away from all the craziness that is going on right now. If you need book recommendations you can follow me on the free GoodReads app or follow me here to see my recent reads and my upcoming reads. You can also see my recent book reviews here .

PUZZLES - It wasn’t until the other day that I remembered how much I LOVE doing puzzles. I put on Friends in the background or some good music and puzzle away for hours. Two of my favorite brands (which can also be found on Amazon) are Buffalo Puzzles & Games and White Mountain Puzzles.

DOWNLOAD OLD COMPUTER GAMES- You can download old computer games like The Sims, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and my personal favorite Nancy Drew Games (I could write a whole blog post on these games alone!)

ONLINE GAME WEBSITES - Here are some of my favorite gaming websites: MiniClip, Addicting Games , Sprocle.

CATCH UP WITH FRIENDS- We may have to practice physical distancing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t call or FaceTime our friends and family! You can now do group FaceTime chats and have a virtual happy hour!

SPRING CLEANING- Since it is officially spring, you may as well get started on your spring cleaning!

no more eating out… guess i need to cook

One thing that I think lots of us are probably struggling with is not being able to eat out. While many restaurants are offering pick up and no contact delivery (which is a great way to support local businesses) it can start to get expensive. Below are some of my go to websites for making easy and delicious meals at home!

Skinny Taste



The Vegan 8

Chocolate Covered Katie

staying active

While you may not be able to go to the gym anymore, that doesn’t mean you can’t stay active. Make sure you get outside for some fresh air (even if that means just walking the dog). There are also plenty of at home workouts you can do! I personally love Beach Body On Demand because of the variety of workouts that they offer. However, there are also plenty of apps that have guided workouts you can do as well.

Here is an article highlight a bunch of different workout apps that can help you determine which are best for you.

I also want to share some of my favorite at home workout gear from Adidas ( you can shop them below)

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