Spicy Roasted Garbanzo Beans

It’s the end of Summer and we all know what that means… the last road trips, vacations, lazy days by the pool, and of course the snack food finale! That usually consists of salty chips and dip which can add on the calories really fast. The crunchy, salty goodness of a chip is difficult to replace, but luckily, there are plenty of alternatives. These spicy roasted garbanzo beans are a healthy, low-fat alternative to tortilla and potato chips.

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Spicy Roasted Garbanzo Beans Recipe Instructions

Uncooked Garbanzo Beans.jpg
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees and line your baking sheet with aluminum foil.before cooked

  2. Drain and rinse your garbanzo beans (works best with a small colander or sifter).

  3. In a bowl, add the garbanzo beans, cayenne pepper, smoked paprika, and a tiny pinch of salt, and mix thoroughly.

  4. Spread the garbanzo beans in one layer onto your lined baking sheet and bake for approximately 15 minutes.

  5. Remove the baking sheet and shake around the beans to ensure that they cook evenly. Then return them to the oven for another 15 minutes until brown and crunchy on the outside.

  6. Let them cool for a couple minutes.

  7. Enjoy them warm or at room temperature.

If you are not someone who likes spicy food, just nix the cayenne pepper, and add a little more smoked paprika. If you want just a little spice, then substitute the cayenne pepper with chili powder. Do you have a little sweet craving? Sprinkle a little raw agave nectar instead of the cayenne and paprika.

Unlike most other garbanzo/chick pea recipes, this one does not use any oil. The garbanzo’s still crisp up and taste just as, if not more, delicious than the latter. Additionally, you wont have the extra calories added by the oil. Be sure to include these in your snack bag for the next road trip or day at the beach!

FoodSuzie RecklesFood, Recipe