Supplements for Better Oral Health
Yeah, that’s me eating ice cream (not good for your teeth and oral health!
Your health starts in your mouth. The mouth, like all the other body parts, is filled with bacteria and other microorganisms. Once your oral hygiene is neglected and your immune system weakens, these microorganisms can harm your oral health and eventually also invade the rest of your body, potentially causing a number of diseases.
When your teeth get destroyed because of poor oral hygiene and bad health, there is no way that you can restore them and you'll need to wear dentures, get bridges or dental implants. That is why it is very important to take care, not only of your general health but of your oral health as well.
Luckily there is a way to increase your body’s defenses against these bacteria that might cause you harm. Besides regular brushing and flossing, taking the right supplements can help improve your overall and oral health.
What Supplements are Best?
Supplements that can help improve your health include: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium, Vitamin A and E, Zinc and Copper
Vitamin D is found in your intestines, it is fat-soluble and aids in the absorption of Calcium and phosphate, which are essential for bone growth and maintenance. Vitamin D can be taken orally through Vitamin D pills that are available in the market. It can also be synthesized from your body through exposure to moderate sunlight (which research indicates is the best way for supplementing vitamin D).
Another supplement that you could take in order for you to have a better overall and oral health is Vitamin C. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and it also aids in the healing of the body. Vitamin C aids in the healing of bleeding gums and other oral diseases. Fruits such as oranges, apples, strawberries and lemons are rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C supplements are also available in pharmacies.
Calcium helps prevent bone loss as it strengthens your bones and teeth. Studies show that an adequate calcium intake wards off colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer and breast cancer. Not only does it protect your teeth, it also protects your heart. Calcium protects you from heart diseases and heart attacks. Sardines, green leafy vegetables, healthy fruits, dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt are rich in calcium. You could also buy Calcium supplements in pharmacies.
Another supplement that you could take in order to enhance your immune function and prevent oral diseases is Zinc plus Copper. Zinc with Copper supplements increase the function of your immune system, and help maintain normal skin, hair and nails. Zinc and Copper has been proven to help maintain normal bone and teeth density.
What About Vitamins A and E?
The last supplement that you should know about in order to improve your overall and oral health is Vitamin A plus E. Vitamin A plus E helps heal gum tissues that have been damaged by disease. Taking Vitamin A plus E every day can also give you a younger and healthier skin as well as improve your eyesight.
All these supplements that are listed above are available in any drug stores. With continuous intake, you may be able to improve your oral as well as you overall health. Before starting to take supplements however you should always consult with your physician.